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Act 3 released

Hello everyone! We have just released the 3rd act of our 4 acts campaign! Our team is hard at work finishing this game, and we are getting closer everyday. For those of you that have not been following our updates, Hell Warders has changed immensely since it's first reveal. When we first started the project, Hell Warders was much more like a coop party game without too much depth. Now, we have redesigned Hell Warders into a very strategic 3D tower defense game with a campaign instead. Allowing players to experience an epic storyline together with friends and conjuring up the best strategies as a team.We believe this will give players the most memorable gameplay experience. We have spent a lot of time writing the story and hopefully the ending will be able to surprise you. Come experience our game and story, and see if you can guess the story ending! The latest patch has a lot of major performance upgrades as well (finally!) Our indie team is very small with just 5 of us so it is very tough to compete with the works of big studios,but we are trying our very best to push the boundary and bring the best game experience to our players. We hope you will support us in delivering the best gameplay we are capable of.

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