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Dev Blog: Week 8 - Light source building?

Hello hello!! It's me again with the week 8 development blog, this week we spent some time relocating our studio and discuss the future changes of the game. Firstly, we have tried unit-count system which may not be the best resource management for our game, as unit-count may hinder and difficult to balance during progressing character level. On the other hand, we tried a new method of resource management which is a traditional "Mana Crystal" which you gain over-time and killing monsters. This resource system will come with another feature "Light Source building", which players will only be able to build within the Light Source area. Our team thinks this system will increase the depth of gameplay and challenges player to solve it with their solution. These Light Source Building will also generate "mana crystal" and there will be mana crystal boosting upgrades. We are building a prototype for this system, and if it is fun, we will implement into our next patch!

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